
7 Golden Rules To make a Professional Logo Design

Are you aware of how crucial your logo is? It is displayed everywhere, from your stationery to your email, and is seen by everyone, including clients, prospects, partners, and the media. The power of a logo, which reaches everyone, can form the first impression of your business. Due to its great influence, your logo needs to leave a good impression on your company. Therefore, make it clear, elegant and energetic, and you will be seen as a pro even if your business is quite new. Whether you hire a graphic designer or decide to create a professional logo yourself, follow the following proven golden rules.

1- Make your logo accurate and distinctive:

Many business owners commit fatal error when they imitate their competitors’ logos. That’s why, your logo should correspond to your company name, your product, or the distinguishing quality of your business. Keep your design simple, clear, and not crowded.

2-Keep your logo simple, but strong.

Simple logos work much better and are more quickly recalled than complex ones. Professionals always avoid crowded elements and shapes in their logos. Notice how giant world companies like Nike own simple logos yet strong. However, don’t make your logo too simplistic.

3-Your logo should show off well with any type of printing.

First, your logo needs to be clearly visible in black and white colors, otherwise, it won’t work with any color. Also, you should take into account the printing costs. That’s to say, more than two-color logos are often much more expensive to print.

4-Be certain your logo is perfectly visible in any size :

Whether it’s printed on a pen or a large street sign, your logo should have an appealing look in any size.

5- Use empty space to maintain an elegant logo design.

Make sure your logo is readable from a distance or when it is tiny. To achieve this, keep it clean and clear by using empty space.

6-Use the right colors:

Every color evokes a different set of feelings. Because they are based on what we observe in the reality, these interpretations are frequently universal. For example, red evokes feeling of love, passion, as well as urgency. Orange evokes energy and happiness, while black conjures a sense of elegance and mystery. Additionally, colors have specific cultural connotations.

7-Avoid making a seasonal logo

A professional logo shouldn’t be limited to a particular time or season, otherwise, you would have to keep changing each time. Make it valid for a lifetime.

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